THE SHOWBUS HOME COUNTIES BUS IMAGE GALLERY | Thames Valley, Alder Valley, Beeline & First Berkshire

London & Home Counties
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Alder Valley Railair Link Bristol RELH6G Plaxton Panorama Elite Express 68
Back to Plaxton bodies on RELH6G chassis, 68 (NDP68M) is at Heathrow, doing the tour of the terminals to collect and drop passengers before a dash back along the M4 to Reading. Its original NBC white livery has given way to the new scheme for the dedicated service. Note the back to front NBC symbol on the boot. The coach alongside belongs to Ralphs Coaches of Langley and is a Duple Dominant bodied Ford R1114 on the Sheraton Hotel courtesy shuttle.
British RailRailair Link National Bus Company
Alder Valley Railair Link Bristol RELH6G Plaxton Panorama Elite Express
Another RELH6G/Plaxton Railair Link coach arrives at Heathrow and is seen here entering the tunnel under number one runway.
National Bus CompanyRailair Link British Rail
Alder Valley Railair Link Leyland Leopard Duple Commander 36
At least one of the five ex Southdown Duple Commander bodied Leyland Leopard touring coaches acquired the white/yellow livery for use on the Reading - Heathrow Railair Link service. Leyland 36 (RUF800H) was Southdown 1800, its Duple Commander body harking back to the Thames Valley F-registered RELHs. The Southdown Leopards were acquired in 1975 to ease Alder Valley's acute vehicle shortage. It is seen arriving amidst construction at Heathrow, a place that is permanently being rebuilt!
British RailRailair Link National Bus Company
Alder Valley Railair Link Leyland Leopard Plaxton Supreme Express 78
The livery better suited 78 (MPM388P), a Plaxton Supreme Express Leopard delivered new to Alder Valley in 1976. It is seen sweeping down from Terminal 1 departures.
National Bus CompanyRailair Link British Rail
London & Home Counties
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