The footbridge over the railway in the city centre of Newcastle is a good vantage point for taking pictures of Newcastle Buses as this view of Mercedes O405 3106 (MO3106) in August 2009 shows.
On the same day, sister vehicle 3425 (MO3425) lurches round the roundabout outside the Bus Station with the Newcastle waterfront as a backdrop.
Mercedes 3371 (MO3371) is seen on the 201 to Marketown.
Thirty of these MAN 11-220 HOCL model buses entered service with the STA over 1996/7 but they only survived in Newcastle by 2010, Sydney having withdrawn its share some years earlier. The buses were short 32 seaters. MAN 3669 (MO3669) with Ansair body is seen in August 2004 in Newcastle Bus Station.
Orana bodies returned to Newcastle when some Volvo B10BLE buses with APG bodywork were transferred north. One such, 3874 (MO3874), is seen in the Bus Station in October 2013 just over six months after arrival in the city.