Christchurch Bus Services

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Christchurch Bus Services
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Christchurch Bus Services was started in 2004 but run into difficulties for failing to maintain its vehicles correctly. The striken company was rescued by national operator go-bus.
Christchurch Bus Designline Citybus 102
Amongst other vehicles, the new company started with a batch of 21 brand new Designline Citybus 39 seat dual door buses. This is the second, 102 (CBG183) seen in April 2005.
Christchurch Bus Designline Citybus 103
With the intact Cathedral behind 103 (CBG197) is seen out of service.
Christchurch Bus Designline Citybus 104
At the open air depot 104 (CBG200) is foremost at the service bay with two other Designline Citybuses.
Christchurch Bus depot
The same trio is seen from behind.
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Christchurch Bus Services
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