Yesterday was a special day to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the Cheltenham District Traction Company. The company has an interesting past being directly associated with the local council but one time part of the Red & White group from Chepstow, under Tilling ownership it came under the wing of Bristol Omnibus and received Bristol buses in the distinctive maroon and cream livery, as opposed to Tilling red or green. Under NBC those links wIth the past were swept away and buses were initially poppy red and later NBC green. Privatisation saw Cheltenham red return to the city, until acquisition by Stagecoach and white, red, blue and orange became the order of the day. To celebrate the company's birthday a Running Day in the city was staged. This picture, sent in by Mark Howgego, shows three of the vehicles involved, all with little obvious connection to Cheltenham, let alone Cheltenham District. Leading is a Royal Blue MW coach 2250 (617DDV), which may have visited the city on Associated Motorways express services. Next up is a Bristol Greyhound MW 2138 (BHU92C) with dual purpose style ECW coachwork, which at least belonged to Cheltenham District's one time parent company. Finally a Clydeside Scottish former London Routemaster.