In 2012 the old 606 service was revamped from a few runs a day to an awkward forty minute frequency from 0600h till 1900h. It was also extended at either end, beyond ST Kilda to Elsternwick, duplicating route 246 between these points and beyond Port Melbourne to Fishermans Bend, where major developemnt is planned. Three new Volgren CR228L bodied Volvo B7RLE, 120-122, launched the service. This is 122 (8088AO), which has since been renumbered 222, seen by O'Donnell Gardens in February 2012.

A month later 120 (8065AO) is seen heading for Elsternwick on St Kilda's Esplanade.

Heading in the opposite direction along Barkly Street in February is 120 again.

A few days earlier a rear view of 120, Elsternwick bound, on the Esplanade.

This Esplanade view of 120 not only includes the Catani Clock Tower but also, setting sail, the Queen Mary 2.
