The Melbourne Grand Prix attracts very little in the way of coach traffic, unlike the Melbourne Cup. However the Volgren C221SX bodied Mercedes O404, 66 (3467AO), is seen in Canterbury Road in March 2013 which is laid out with coach bays for the Grand Prix.

Delivered the same year, 1999, was this Mercedes OH1421, 18 (3423AO), but with the Volgren SC221 bodied intended more for school work than private hire. It is seen heading off on a school run in March 2014 from the Geelong depot.
Picture ref A1833

Parked up in Normanby Road by the Melbourne Exhibition Centre in December 2012 is Higer A30 bodied Scania K320IB 139 (9193AO).

An older Scania is seen in March 2014, a Volgren C221SX bodied K113TR. The 1996 coach, 121 (6903AO) was acquired secondhand from US Buslines.

Not so much secondhand, but passed down through several hands. This PMCA Apollo bodied Volvo B12R, 80 (4800AO) was new to the Australian Army. They sold it to Busabout in New South Wales before it passed to fellow CDC subsidiary, Western. The coach is seen outside the Crown Casino in Melbourne in April 2014.
