Ritchies | AT Metro | Auckland Transport doubledeckers

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Ritchies AT Metro doubledeckers
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Ritchies Alexander Dennis Enviro500 RT1366 & BCI Citirider RT1074 Northern Express
Northern Express
Seen again is RT1366, laying over on Sturdee Street whilst Citirider RT1074 (KAZ235) sweeps by. Another Citirider and Enviro are parked up further back behind an interloping dustcart.
Picture ref C6527
Ritchies Alexander Dennis Enviro500 RT1383
Another former Birkenhead Enviro500 still working out of the Birkenhead is RT1383 (KPN233), former 84.
Picture ref C6534
Ritchies Alexander Dennis Enviro500 RT1358 Northern Express
Northern Express
A final view of Enviro500 RT1358 again, escaping Britomart chaos to turn round and head back up the busway.
Picture ref C6659
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Ritchies AT Metro doubledeckers
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