The gloom of an autumnal morning is giving way to blue skies and sunshine as 8048 heads out of the city.
Picture ref A5596
Enviro500 8056 follows New Flyer D60LFR 6619 into the city as two D60 artics depart on the left, with 6593 in the lead.
Picture ref A5576
Invero and Enviro contrasting rear ends. The Enviro is 8032.
Picture ref A5591
Enviro500 8021 follows New Flyer D60LFR 6498 amidst a sea of morning commuter runs on Nicholas Street into the city.
Picture ref A5593
Enviro500 front and rear: 8052 meets 8032 - another with a Jump 106.9 ad.
Picture ref A5706