Dennis Darts of London Buslines on the 258 were replaced with Plaxton Presidents on Dennis Trident chassis, of which TN982 (Y346NLF) is one. The bus is seen in Watford.
An earlier similar vehicle is seen on the 18 near Marylebone: TN831 (T831LLC).
Heading west, though not as far as the Chicago advert on the side might suggest, is a First Challenger Metrobus on the 18 near Marylebone.
A similar vehicle, M892 (A892SUL) approaches Euston on the east bound routing.
Still bearing First Challenger fleetnames at the point of its demise is VN892 (T892KLF). Volvo VN892 was one of the last batch of pre-low floor doubledeckers to enter London service. The batch were purchased for the 83 service and route branded accordingly. It is seen in Wembley on a day when the route was largely being worked by a batch of new Plaxton President bodied Volvo B7TL buses.